Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Who does Little A Look like?

Since AC was born we have been asked several times who we think she looks most like? So we are turning the question on you....

Here are some photos to help you decide..

I know these are not most recent, well Ben's is, but I haven't had a headshot taken since this one- so it will have to do.

Little AC

Baby Ben

Baby Me ( I am the one in the middle, and Nicole on the left and Liza on the right)

another picture of AC

please let us know your thoughts... For those new to blogging, you can click comments below and add your thoughts... (you don't have to have a blog to comment) Thanks for your help.


Unknown said...

Although initially I thought that Annika looked like little Benjie when he was a newborn, now I think she looks much more like a little Marenna.

Jenn said...

Based on your baby picture, I think she looks just like you!