this could have been an add for baby bjorn With the sun hitting the houses in the bacground and all.
AC didn't like this at first when she was only a couple months old, but now that she likes to explore everything and seems to enjoy it.
Her new thing is discovering and exploring.
When we go for walks her eyes get big and she tries to take everything in. In the car she is constantly looking out both windows trying to see everything. If you turn the water on in the faucett she wants to touch it and feel it. You answer the phone, and she wants to hold the phone and push button. She is touching everything and feeling it and scratching it and trying to move it.
We love watching her discover the new things for the first time and her expressions are priceless. I hope we have captured some of them for everyone to see.

Ben says she reminds him of Kuato from Total Recall when she is in this thing.
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